Write Expository Essay

Write Expository Essay
  1. Easy Way To Write Expository Essay

Spacing Writer level Number of pages Timeframe Currency Total price First order discount 15% Expository essays aim at explaining some reality by examining facts and providing real-world examples. We offer expository essay sample on the topic “The Chemistry of Love” for you to review how the topic is developed in compliance with expository writing requirements. In literature, love is often described as an uplifting feeling. Poets, writers, artists, and even philosophers have been trying to determine the reasons and origin of the feeling as well as ways and recipes for dealing with it. Yet, the reality of the 21st century has made people more pragmatic. They have started looking for biological origins and explanations of love. Due to technological advancements, scientists are now able to investigate and present valid proofs of chemical foundation of love.

Expository essays aim at explaining some reality by examining facts and providing real-world examples. We offer expository essay sample on the topic “The Chemistry of Love” for you to review how the topic is developed in compliance with expository writing requirements. The expository essay—it’s an unavoidable essay in your educational career. In fact, teachers and professors love assigning it so much that some freshmen writing courses are devoted entirely to writing the expository essay.

Write Expository Essay

Easy Way To Write Expository Essay

The Chemistry of Love According to Dr. Fisher, an anthropologist from Rutgers University, love represents a holistic system that can be further divided into three subsystems. These are sex drive, romantic love, and attachment. Sex drive makes an individual look for a partner, while romantic love makes a person stay focused on only one particular partner. Attachment is the last factor in the chain and it makes the individual seek lasting relationship with the selected partner. However, neither sex drive nor attachment or romantic love could exist without a driving force that impacts human behavior.

Although love is commonly regarded in psychological terms, no one would argue that it does not involve hormones. Namely, involvement of hormones justifies the expression “chemistry of love.” Testosterone and estrogen cause sex drive in people. Write academic papers online. Dopamine and serotonin evoke the attraction stage, which is called romantic love.

Oxytocin and vasopressin sustain attachment. Female and male hormones of estrogen and testosterone evoke lust and sex-relate reactions that make individuals look for a partner. These hormones are responsible for sex drive. Some specialists assert that namely estrogen and testosterone induce romantic feelings due to influx of dopamine and serotonin into the brain. These hormones are involved in arousing euphoric feelings and good mood.

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Being in love is often compared to being high since the very same hormones involved in arousing sex drive and romantic love are secreted after taking drugs. Thus, individuals feel happy and may act impulsively under the influence of these hormones. Dayz beta download. The most lasting stage of love is attachment, which is driven by oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for the connection between a mother and a child, and it is secreted when two partners get intimate. Namely for this reason, serious relationships are attributed with tenderness rather than turbulent and abrupt feelings. Thus, all of the presented facts about physiological reactions literally explain the meaning of expression “chemistry of love.” Consequently, love is more than solely psychological process; it is also a result of physiological reactions to the influx of different hormones during different stages of relationships.

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